Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Gadgets to Keep You Moving at Work

The problem is, sitting at a computer for eight-plus hours a day, and maybe a few more at night, isn't exactly conducive to the "elite fitness" ideal promoted in a lot of exercise programs. Hell, according to some, just sitting down too much is killing us; it's been equated with smoking (even the cancer part!). There's no question a sedentary life is going to get more people headed toward heart disease. This infographic spells out some of the problems.

But you've got work to do! How can you do both? Check out the products on the next few pages for options, small to large, cheap to oh-sweet-lord expensive. Adding any of them at all to your daily regime of sitting and staring at a screen will go a long way to helping you live a little longer. In fact, research shows just an hour of exercise a day can offset the ill effects of your bum in cushion the rest of the time. So get ready to get fit.

Gyroscopic Wrist and Forearm Exerciser

It might look like nothing more than a hard plastic ball with another weird ball inside it. But these exercisers, available on Amazon from makers like NSD Power and DFX Sports, get your arms toned while also helping fix repetitive stress injuries like tennis elbow or wrist tendonitis. Using a pull-string or a dock to get the interior ball spinning, you then keep it going with your arm and wrist. If you can't grasp the concept, just search on "powerball gyroscope" on YouTube for plenty of examples. Different models have different abilities; some generate lights inside, while others have exterior LCD counters so you can visualize your reps. Prices go from $20 to $55, depending on the bells and whistles.

Theraband FlexBar

A foot-long bar of natural rubber might not sound like much of a workout tool. But bend the FlexBar in half a few times and you'll find the resistance undeniable. Of course it's got a great grip and bounces back into shape. It comes in yellow, red, green, or blue, each at a different diameter (from 1 3/8th up to 2 inches). The thicker the bar, the more pounds of force it takes to bend (from 6 up to 25 pounds). Prices go from $21.99 to $35.49, or get all four for $73.49.

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